Bow Wow

American rapper, actor, and television host Bow Wow wearing various pairs of chucks.
Bow Wow  Bow Wow wearing optical white high top chucks to the 2014 BET Awards Bow Wow  Bow Wow with Keshia Chanté on 106 & Park. Bow Wow  Bow Wow posing for King Magazine in black chucks.
Bow Wow  Bow Wow in a black leather jacket and black chucks. Bow Wow  Bow Wow hosting on 106 & Park in black chucks. Bow Wow  Bow Wow performing in black high top chucks.
Bow Wow  Bow Wow wearing red high top chucks. Bow Wow  Bow Wow and Omarion posing with an optical white high top chucks they decorated. Bow Wow  Bow Wow decorating an optical white high top.
Bow Wow  Closeup of the optical white high top that Bow Wow and Omarion decorated.