Dr. Who

Photo gallery of David Tennant in his role as Dr. Who wearing chucks in the television series.
Doctor Who  Photo from Doctor Who magazine describing the doctor's new clothes. Doctor Who  Doctor Who climbing a high power utility tower in his white high top chucks. Doctor Who  Doctor Who wearing black high top chucks. Doctor Who  Doctor Who disguised as a waiter (with black high top chucks) escaping with Rose.
Doctor Who  Doctor Who and Rose Tyler run into a host of aliens. Doctor Who  Actor David Tennant has been a chucks guy for many years. Doctor Who  Doctor Who posing with his series companion Rose Taylor. Over the past two years, Billie has taken the character of Rose Tyler on an adventure of a lifetime, Doctor Who  Dr. Who kicking back in the office.
Doctor Who  White high top with a blood stain. Doctor Who  Kicking back in whiite high tops, shot 2. Doctor Who  Dr. Who with his latest companion Martha Jones in front of the time machine. Doctor Who  Dr. Who with his latest companion Martha Jones, shot 2.
Doctor Who  Dr. Who with his feet up on the Tardis console. Doctor Who  The star of the Doctor Who spinoff, "Torchwood", Gwen, also wears  chucks; the camera focuses on her red chucks as she ascends in an  elevator in the pilot, Doctor Who  Gwen steps in a pool of blood wearing her green chucks. Doctor Who  A picture of chucks is a key clue in another episode.
Doctor Who  Dr. Who and Martha escaping. Doctor Who  Dr. Who, Martha, and Captain Jack. Doctor Who  Dr. Who and Martha leaving a formal occasion. Doctor Who  David Tenant wearing maroon chucks.
Doctor Who  David Tennant seated wearing natural white high top chucks. Doctor Who  Dr. Who posing outside the telephone booth time machine. Doctor Who  Dr. Who and Gwen.