Katy Perry

Photos of Katy Perry in performance wearing black and white high top chucks.
Katy Perry  Katy Perry performing in black high top chucks. Katy Perry  Katy Perry performing in black high top chucks. Katy Perry  Katy Perry performing in black high top chucks. Katy Perry  Katy Perry performing in black high top chucks.
Katy Perry  Katy Perry performing in black high top chucks. Katy Perry  Katy Perry performing in black high top chucks. Katy Perry  Katy Perry performing in black high top chucks. : 2012 Katy Perry  Katy Perry performing in optical white high top chucks.
Katy Perry  Katy Perry wearing optical white high top chucks at a awards photo session. Katy Perry  Katy Perry wearing optical white high top chucks at a awards photo session.