New Politics

Photo gallery of New Politics band members David Boyd and Soren Hansen wearing chucks in casual, posed, and performance situations.
New Politics  Musicians David Boyd (L) and Soren Hansen of New Politics perform onstage during The 24th Annual KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas. New Politics  The band posing at a radio station photo shoot, shot 1. New Politics  The band posing at a radio station photo shoot, shot 2. New Politics  The band appearing on a TV show. New Politics  Rooftop strategy session.
New Politics  The band posing for another radio station promo photo. New Politics  The band in performance, David doing a handstand. New Politics  The band in performance. New Politics  More acrobatics by David Boyd. New Politics  Humorous casual shot.
New Politics  David Boyd singing. New Politics  More acrobatics. New Politics  DAvid singing on a bass drum. New Politics  David in performance. New Politics  Another handstand.
New Politics  On the edge of the stage. New Politics  Another signature handstand. New Politics  The band doing a Escher pose. Which way is up? New Politics  More stage acrobatics. New Politics  The band acknowledging their fans.
New Politics  The band on stage. New Politics  Soren Hansen performing. New Politics  New Politics on stage. New Politics  The band relaxing on a couch. New Politics  Another causual shot of New Politics.
New Politics  Soren Hansen on acoustic guitar. New Politics  The band in performance. New Politics  Suspended in air. New Politics  Soren Hansen performing at the Annual KROQ Kevin & Bean Weenie Roast Music Festivalin Irvine, California. New Politics  Soren extending his guitar.
New Politics  Soren Hansen on stage. New Politics  Everyone waving at the cameras. New Politics  Soren rocking out. New Politics  Soren practicing a guitar lick.