Red Hot Chili Pipers

Photo gallery of the Scottish Rock/Bagpipe band Red Hot Chili Pipers.
Red Hot Chili Pipers  Poster for the band’s 2016 German and Swiss tour. Red Hot Chili Pipers  Casual shot of band members on stage. Red Hot Chili Pipers  Drummers like to wear black high top chucks with white shoelaces. Red Hot Chili Pipers  Casual pose of the band back stage.
Red Hot Chili Pipers  Rear shot of the band taking bows after a performance. Red Hot Chili Pipers  Band guitarists like to wear black high top chucks with red shoelaces. Red Hot Chili Pipers  Casual shot of the band before a performance at a soccer field. Red Hot Chili Pipers  Playing a solo on the Cajon.
Red Hot Chili Pipers  One of the band’s guitarists. Red Hot Chili Pipers  Four band members posed at a media event. Red Hot Chili Pipers  Four band members at the Scottish coast.