The Record Company

Photo gallery of The Record Company band members wearing chucks.
The Record Company  Promotional photo of the band, with drummer Marc Cazorla wearing black high top chucks. The Record Company  Casual shot of the band, left to right bassist Alex Stiff, with lead singer Chris Vos and drummer Marc Cazorla sporting black high top chucks. The Record Company  The band on stage performing for Live at Lagunita. The Record Company  Casual outdoor shot of the band.
The Record Company  The band recording. The Record Company  Lead singer Chris Vos performing in his black high top chucks. The Record Company  Black and white photo of Chris Vos. The Record Company  The band in performance.
The Record Company  Audience shot during a performance. The Record Company  Casual shot of the band back stage. The Record Company  The Record Company taking their bows after a performance.